Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Coming Together

I was starting to wonder if this thing would ever come together. I was really having doubts yesterday ready to give up, but I did push myself. I added the ruffle, drafted the bodice dress combo, and added the shoulder straps. It needs MAJOR tweaking before cutting the final pattern on the actual fabric. The neckline is a little too low. The bodice is too tight and needs to be let out, and all the edges will need to be finished (they were left raw on the muslin). I'm proud of what I've accomplished, but I have to admit I'll be ready to take a break once I'm finished. My hair is a mess (as well as my daughter's), I need to catch up on bills, house cleaning, groom myself (my eyebrows look crazy), EXERCISE, assign my children strict bedroom detail, have family time, clean that garage that I still haven't done, call grandma, and the list goes on and on! I'm giving myself until tomorrow night to finish this dress and I'll take a break.

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