My day was off to kinda of a rough start due to going to bed late, waking up earlier than usual, vehicle in the repair shop (which set me back $358 bucks!), a 7 hour faculty meeting, and worst of all the HEAT! Nah-- I think having to spend the $358 in auto repairs may have been the worst. BUT a person has to look for the silver lining. I managed to do so by working on some ideas.
I've been thinking about a name for my designs and came up with a working title years ago, but I wanted to perfect the craft before securing it. I've realized for some time now that having label sewn into the clothing would be necessary. So I decided to sketch it out along with the logo I thought of today, and I actually liked it. Nothing too fancy. I tried designing it digitally with an online paint program, but I had no idea what I was doing. I'll have to search around for label manufacturers to help me out with that part I guess.
Another challenge I've yet to deal with is grading. I'm still unsure of how to increase and decrease pattern sizes. I have a concept but have yet to actually apply it. Either way once I learn to do so, I'll graciously need the help of select friends and family to assist as fit models. I'd like to have an idea of how their own ready to wear clothing sizes compares to the ones I design.
And FINALLY after an exhausting and mind boggling day, I needed a release and decided to sew. I needed something to take my mind off of things, and sewing really does the trick. I'm still not ready to start on the Tracy Reese pattern whether or not I had the fabric in possession, but I wanted to instead work on the kimono. I'm in the early stages and so far so good. I just drafted the basic kimono and sewed it together. I pray my steps will be ordered and that I'm doing things right when I add the other design details. Even though the sewing provided a nice outlet, I need to not sew when tired. I was making a few mistakes that I knew that was due to being sleepy. I thought I learned my lesson earlier this summer when I sewed the machine needle right through my index finger.
It's late and I need to be in bed, but I just want to enjoy this moment where everyone's asleep. So I'll make a bowl of cereal and catch up on this week's Project Runway that I missed the other day. I'm too unfocused to continue sewing.
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