Sunday, July 31, 2011


Here in the last couple of days I've been fortunate to talk to people with experience in the fashion industry and gained some very insightful information. There was one who found herself practically an overnight success story, one who has a successful clothing line carried in boutiques, another has an online specialty clothing business, and a few others. I've been wanting to try my hand in it for quite some time but could never find the time to research and learn my craft. Some of them shared the downside of the business and it did evoke a bit of fear within myself.

I have to confess the biggest fear is the financial strain that could occur if things don't pan out. I was told yesterday by one designer that perserverance was the key, and the ones who didn't consider their venture a success so to speak didn't have the perserverance. It really takes alot of hard work and for whatever reason their venture was placed on the backburner and there was a financial loss.

Love referencing this scripture when I'm feeling a bit anxious b/c it is a reminder that things will be okay...working on myself because I do have the tendency to overthink things.

Philippians 4:6-8

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Juggling Act

I'm coming to terms that I'll be reporting back to work here very soon. I was a bit sad about getting back on that day to day grind, but I'm grateful for having this time off. I'm upbeat and even laughed to myself this morning thinking about the antics of some of those high school students. My biggest obstacle will be balancing my time. I was feeling overwhelemed wondering how I would juggle my life, so I had to write them all out. For some reason it calms me to write and see my challenges written out. Maybe I feel I can strategize by doing so.

I still wonder how will I fit all these things I want to accomplish in a day, week, month, year? I keep adding more and more into the pile! Only through prayer and knowing God is my foundation. Drafting that Kimono is starting to rear that challenging head so I laid it down and made a vow to pick it up soon along with the advanced Vogue pattern. I found this awesome book about the fashion design business while perusing my local library, and it's made me look at my long term goals more in depth. We'll see how things pan out. In the meantime, I'll need prayer to help me juggle:

  • family/husband-wife time

  • the fashion design business research and all that entails

  • learning construction techniques

  • children's extracurricular activities

  • homework

  • housework

  • me and my daughter's natural hair

  • managing the finances

  • exercise

  • running errands

  • work

  • ...and the list goes on and on :-)

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Official Project #2- Short Sleeve Kimono Wrap Design

I was planning on sketching a new design for my Official Project #2, but I found this November 30, 2007 sketch that I think I'll do instead. I purchased this printed chiffon fabric last week that I think I'll use. I can't decide whether or not I'll construct the sketch in the middle or the one on the far right. I'll make a copy of the design and will render it using the fabric colors. This will be an interesting challenge because I've never ever worked with using prints and such a thin fabric as well.

Average/Advanced Patterns

Since pattern making and construction courses aren't an option at this time (lack of $$$), and with keeping in line with the self-taught method, I think my next plan of action will be to purchase Average and Advanced-Level patterns to learn enhanced sewing techniques. According to Vogue Patterns, the two are defined as -

  • AVERAGE-These patterns are perfect if you have more time to sew, and more experience sewing. Look for challenging designer techniques, tailoring, unique construction details. Expect more fitting and inner construction. Find more variety in fabrics from the stretchiest knits to synthetic leathers and suedes.

  • ADVANCED-The finest patterns featuring the best of European and American Couture. Perfect for those who like the sewing challenge of professional tailoring and fine couture techniques. Expect intricate fashion shaping, hidden construction details, couture inner construction, fine touches of hand sewing and bias draping

So I searched onlne and came up with Issey Miyake Vogue pattern #V0152. I'm not crazy about the pants at all, but it does look very advanced with techniques that should be beneficial to learn. The same goes for the top. Lucky me it's on sale for $3.99. I have no clue when I'll be able to start on it say it arrives here in the next couple of weeks or if I can purchase it onsale at Hancocks. We'll see how it goes to see if I'll be able to devote a couple of hours each night once I report to work. Realistically, I'm having a hard time seeing that happen but we'll see. I'll set a finish time for maybe October or November this year.

On a side note, I've been saving my sketches since 1988 and have tons of designs. I was flipping through the more recent ones looking for one that I could possibly construct. Ummm, I don't know about them now that I've actually constructed one of my own. I can't quite put my finger on it, but most of them seem a bit difficult to execute or they need some major editing. I think I may do a new sketch and construct it. I'm curious to know how my sketch techniques will be affected since I know I'll be actually constructing them. I'm trying to not let the fear of my sewing limitations impair myself.

That's why I think it'll be beneficial to do both projects at the same time. I'll post my sketch that I will hopefully do today. So excited!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Post Assessment

Well aside from needing to sew the hemline of the skirt, I FINALLY FINISHED CONSTRUCTING MY FIRST DESIGN! Seems like the 6 1/2 weeks that it took to complete took forever, but at the same time it really wasn't very long considering the fact that just earlier this year I had no clue where to begin. Prayer, faith, and encouragement from family and friends are what made it happen. I learned so much piecing this simple garment together, but the thing I learned most was patience b/c working on this definitely tested mine.

While constructing the garment I notated a few likes and dislikes that I experienced while sewing the dress as well as assessment of the dress.


  • The dress drapes well

  • I love the color

  • It's not too tight


  • Too low cut

  • The cut of the bodice was a bit too large

  • Excessive seam allowances; large intake

  • The contrasting serger threads (should've used red instead of white)

Another thing I assessed is that I'm going back and forth on is the length of the dress. I was certain I wanted it to be a maxi skirt, but the finished result looks a little bridesmaid-sy. I can definitely see myself wearing the top with a nice pair of jeans, but the dress itself seems a little more suited for a resort wear. I'm leaning towards designing more along those lines too. Overall I'm pleased with the techniques I learned such as waistband casing, contouring, and drafting circles, but I have SO MUCH more to learn. One day at a time....

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Planned and Unpredictable Series of Events...

...but I'm almost finished! The very second after I posted my last entry a series of both planned and unpredictable events occured. It was one thing after another ranging from trips to the doctor, various overnight house guests, home repairs, birthdays, etc! I had really let the frustration get to me because I had planned to finish the garment no later than last Saturday. I was especially discouraged because I had planned to wear it to the Little Rock Fashion Week's fashion show. Can't beat myself over it because life got in the way and that's just how it is. It took me an entire week after my last post to pick up where I left off. I did manage to finish the bodice. I made post assessment notes after I tried it on that I will share once I finish the the skirt....BUT, I'm running into possible problems.

I DON'T HAVE ENOUGH FABRIC!!!! Last time I was in the fabric store I saw just a bit of the red cotton fabric left on the bolt, but I didn't purchase it b/c thought I had enough. I went back a few days later and it was all gone, ugh! I'm going to see if there's any at the other store's location which is on the other side of town. ***sigh*** I really wanted it to be a maxi skirt and not above-the knee. I also wanted it to be a solid color set. If the other store doesn't have it I'll need to think of a Plan B. I'll either need to make it a short skirt or find a really nice print fabric to use for the skirt. We'll see.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Construction Day

Well today the big day that I construct the garment on the actual fabric. I've already made the decision to edit the design and not let it be a tiered skirt, but I can't decide to either let it be separates (long contoured bodice, maxi skirt) OR a maxi dress. I'll also do without the uneven hem on the bodice, so I guess I'm leaning toward the separates idea and praying that I have enough fabric. I only have 4 yards of this 100% cotton red colored cotton fabric that I really wanted to use.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Coming Together

I was starting to wonder if this thing would ever come together. I was really having doubts yesterday ready to give up, but I did push myself. I added the ruffle, drafted the bodice dress combo, and added the shoulder straps. It needs MAJOR tweaking before cutting the final pattern on the actual fabric. The neckline is a little too low. The bodice is too tight and needs to be let out, and all the edges will need to be finished (they were left raw on the muslin). I'm proud of what I've accomplished, but I have to admit I'll be ready to take a break once I'm finished. My hair is a mess (as well as my daughter's), I need to catch up on bills, house cleaning, groom myself (my eyebrows look crazy), EXERCISE, assign my children strict bedroom detail, have family time, clean that garage that I still haven't done, call grandma, and the list goes on and on! I'm giving myself until tomorrow night to finish this dress and I'll take a break.


Learning so much on drafting and constructing this simple design I sketched. I wished I had the opportunity to learn as an apprentice. There's so many techniques that's sometimes difficult to understand when read and accompanied by visual aids. I'm a tactile and learn things better hands-on. Maybe I'll learn enough to possible pass on to someone else.

I drafted the circular gathers today and learned how to "make" a tool used to measure the radius using a tape measure, thumb tacks, mechanical pencil, and measure board. Learn somethin' new everyday.

shared workspace

My not-so-formal dining room is used primarily as my office and workspace. I wish I could have an exclusive sewing/drafting/office adjoined to our home, but considering the fact that up until a few years ago my workspace was the family's kitchen table I won't complain. Ultimately, my dream would be to have actual office space away from home....wishful thinking :-).

My summer routine has been waking up and going straight to the dining room. I either look over bills, surf the net, or sew. Usually about an hour later my soon-to-be 5 year old wakes up, sits in my lap and cuddles for about 5 to 10 minutes. She then asks for breakfast which is almost always apple cinnamon oatmeal, milk or juice, and she watches her favorite cartoon on my IPhone. I ALWAYS have to move my work out the way and pray she doesn't spill her drink on my things. She never wants to eat in the kitchen but right next to me. I have to be honest and say how sometimes I wish for her to sleep in longer, but at the same time I look forward to hearing her say good morning mommy I sleep real good, seeing her smile, and especially the morning cuddles. I'm really loving this summer break and don't want it to end.

How to Gather: a basic sewing tutorial

I'm advancing along and found this tutorial on how to add the gathered ruffle to my design. We'll see how goes.

Much Easier

Oh yeah, the Dritz Quick Turn fabric tube turner was MUCH easier than the other fish hook-looking metal loop turner. I figured how to turner wider pieces of fabric with the metal turner, but this wood stick/plastic tube fabric turner is again MUCH EASIER to use. Okay, one less thing to worry challenge--onto drafting the bodice ruffle.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

How to Use a Loop Turner - CraftStylish

I'm not sure what to say about my project. I woke up really discouraged because I hit yet another stumblingblock drafting the dress in regards to contouring. The other thing is the straps require the use of a loop turner that I purchased. I thought it would be very easy to use, but I'm having a tough time trying to figure this thing out! Ugh! So I Googled on how to use the thing and came up with this cool webpage. I thought it was cool to show another way to use the thing other than purse or shoulder straps.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Still at it...

I stayed up late last night trying to figure out how to plot the proper darts to contour the bodice of my draft...ehhh, it turned out so-so when I cut the pattern on muslin and tried it on for a test fit. I moved on and started drafting the bodice/skirt combo. There isn't a seam in the waist and once again I'm reading AND re-reading trying to comprehend the instructions. I'm finding that I focus better when I don't skip breakfast AND unfortunately I take a break that includes a short nap :-). I find that I also get snippy and have to send the kids out the room when I feel distracted-- the cartoons and tween Disney/Nickelodeon shows drive me yonkers! It's hard enough trying to comprehend the instructions without their shows blaring from the next room.

My biggest distraction is a show I absolutely love to pieces. I recently "discovered" the TV show Dallas and have absolutely fallen in love. I remembered the Who Shot J.R. hype when I was a kid and all, but I'd never watched an episode up until a few months ago. Pure camp! I've watched all of the episodes up until season 7 (with 7 seasons left to watch). The thing is that I MUST sit and watch. I can't work and watch b/c I love all the costumes. I love to see all their facial expressions as well. Straight 80s nostalgia with all the campy drama. I promised that I wouldn't allow myself to check out Season 8 from the downtown library, but for some reason I gave in and checked out a copy a few days ago. Well, I have it sitting here playing on my desk top and I notice a dress that Jenilee Harrison's character is wearing (I couldn't bring myselft to crop J.R. and Sue Ellen out the picture because they are my favorite characters LOL). You may remember her from the show Three's Company as the actress who replaced Chrissy. The dress somewhat resembles mine except the neckline will me slightly more rounded than V-neck, I'm also wanting it to be a doubled layered ruffle, I don't believe the ruffles will be attached on the back but front only, and the dress will be sleeveless with string ties on the shoulder. Man, I wish I could get a hold of that dress and deconstruct it. I still have a long night ahead of me. I need to finish drafting back of the dress, figure out how to modify it by adding the contour to the front bodice, and cut on muslin for a test fit. I'll start fresh tomorrow to figure out how to add the ruffle and facing. Lord if all goes well I can start cutting out the pattern on the actual fabric, add the zipper, and hem. We'll see how goes!! This one dress has taken over my life, but I'm enjoying every minute of it. I won't go into a spill, but I've waited so long to get to this point in my life b/c it's a milestone.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Alternate Route

I'm trying to chalk up the time wasted trying to draft my body measurements as a learning experience. OMG I spent 1 1/2 weeks drafting and re-drafting, but I kept having this feeling that something was off. Well, after my visit with Korto and what I had considered doing anyway was to just purchase a Vogue Fit Pattern Shell. I had started drafting the details on my own pattern draft, but I thought how messed up it would've been if things didn't turn out because of my own drafted basic bodice. Soooo, I made a trip to Hancock's Fabrics and purchased Vogue's version of the basic draft. I am soooo glad I did so b/c their directions helped me figure out the mistakes I was making on my own draft. Plus, I learned how to combine the bodice and skirt. So simple! Well, I'll proceed drafting the details from my sketch onto my purchased shell.

I'm giving myself until next Friday to construct b/c I've got to start preparing for this upcoming school year and finish some odd and end projects around my home. My next step regarding the construction will be to ensure that I'll comprehend the drafting design instructions and proceed. This includes understanding contouring. Since my design will have a cut out neck, I'll need to ensure there will not be any gapping. There's a technique to ensure proper contouring of the bodice that I'm trying to grasp. I never knew so much went into one garment. I can't wait until this will come as "second nature" when constructing.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Field Trip 7-6-11

Korto Momolu, Downtown Little Rock 7-06-11

Today I was blessed to spend time with a true visionary. Korto Momolu was kind to allow me to share a day in the life of hers and it was a taste of heaven that I will never forget! It left me hungry for more! Despite all her success, she's very humble and sincere. A true inspiration as well. I sometimes question if I'll ever be able to grasp the knowledge of clothing design and construction, but I was inspired today to push myself and learn.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Sewing Machine Set in a Sleeve

I was still struggling a bit with my basic bodice's set in sleeves and my stepmother offered her assistance. She's has her doctorate in Family Consumer Sciences Education and a very experienced seamstress. I need the help, but I have have slight issues with asking. It's not that I'm prideful, it's just I don't want to be bothersome. I figured that if I can read, then I should be able to learn but I've hit stumblingblocks comprehending certain techniques. We set a date, but I found this helpful video and cancelled. I'll be starting the construction part of my dress Lord willing tomorrow. EMWR get ready :-)

Teach Yourself to Sew: How to Sew a Sleeve


I've been praying and help is on the way! Details will follow!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Gordon Gartrell 2011

Oh goodness I jinxed myself with the previous post, lol!! My drafted bodice with sleeves did end up looking like Theo's "Gordon Gartrell" shirt. I didn't sew the bodice to the skirt which was fine. I wasn't concerned with the raw edges either since the purpose was ensuring a proper fit. Several errors here: the skirt is about a size too large and I'll need to take it up; the same goes for the bodice. ****Sigh**** Big issue with the sleeves. My brain is fried from working on this for 3 days and I'm going to have to seek help me learn to correct the problem. I'm not exactly sure why the sleeves turned out okay on my tunic, but not on the fit pattern. So I'll to go ahead and proceed with my summer project since it is sleeveless, but I'll need instruction on making the sleeve corrections.

Gordon Gartrell

Only a true 80s kid and a serious Cosby Show fan will know about Gordon Gartrell, lol!! I hope my summer project doesn't end up like this. I've been lollygagging a bit today when I should've been finishing up this fit pattern. The skirt turned out fine---a bit roomy, and the bodice I remeasured and redid was a fairly decent fit. I'm easing in the sleeves and that alone is a messy beast for me. I'm preparing to sew in the first sleeve and will post pictures later. Here it is after 5 PM and I thought I'd be finished with this no later than noon.