Wednesday, July 13, 2011

shared workspace

My not-so-formal dining room is used primarily as my office and workspace. I wish I could have an exclusive sewing/drafting/office adjoined to our home, but considering the fact that up until a few years ago my workspace was the family's kitchen table I won't complain. Ultimately, my dream would be to have actual office space away from home....wishful thinking :-).

My summer routine has been waking up and going straight to the dining room. I either look over bills, surf the net, or sew. Usually about an hour later my soon-to-be 5 year old wakes up, sits in my lap and cuddles for about 5 to 10 minutes. She then asks for breakfast which is almost always apple cinnamon oatmeal, milk or juice, and she watches her favorite cartoon on my IPhone. I ALWAYS have to move my work out the way and pray she doesn't spill her drink on my things. She never wants to eat in the kitchen but right next to me. I have to be honest and say how sometimes I wish for her to sleep in longer, but at the same time I look forward to hearing her say good morning mommy I sleep real good, seeing her smile, and especially the morning cuddles. I'm really loving this summer break and don't want it to end.

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